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  4. Emailing classes through MESC email

Emailing classes through MESC email

Staff can email classes directly through the email system to send attachments as Compass does not allow for attachments to be sent through their system.

Quick tip
You can access the address book quickly by typing “class” in the To field and then press the CTRL and K keys simultaneously. This will lookup any potential matches from your default address book. If this doesn’t work for you, proceed with the directions below.

To email specific classes follow the steps below:

1. Create a new email message in Outlook.

2. Click on the To button to view the address book

3. i. Ensure that the Global Address List – your mesc.vic.edu.au address book is selected
ii. Type class in the search field
iii. Double click on the class to be emailed. The format is class- followed by the Compass class code.
iv. Select OK to close the address book and proceed to finalising the email then sending as normal.

Once you have sent an email to a class group, it will appear in your Auto-Complete list when you need to use it next time. Just start typing the To field and it will appear in a drop down list.

Updated on June 4, 2021

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