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Connect to the School WiFi

Please follow the following instructions to connect to Mount Eliza’s Wireless network

Left click on the network icon on the lower right of your desktop

click on eduSTAR then click on connect

Type in your MESC email address i.e aaa0000@mesc.vic.edu.au and enter your MESC password then click OK

On the following screen, click on Connect.

You may be prompted to change your password, if you are, please see instructions below for step by step assistance. Please ensure your new password is at least 7 characters long with a combination of UPPERCASE, lowercase and number or special character.

Now test your internet connection by going to a website or 2.

If you are having issues please see the section below, Proxy Settings

Changing your MESC Password through your Wifi connection

If you are shown the following, your MESC password has expired and needs to be updated, click on eduSTAR then you will be prompted to change your MESC password.

Enter a new password with a minimum of 7 characters, it must contain a number, capital and special character then click on OK

Proxy Settings

If you are connected to the wireless, and no websites are loading, please check the proxy settings.

Click on Start then click on the gear icon (settings)

click on Network & Internet

Click on Proxy, and make

sure Automatically detect settings is on and there is nothing in Use setup script

Updated on March 12, 2021

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