Cisco webex is a video conferencing system available for use through the Department of Education. This system should be utilised for any video/audio conferencing needs with people external to the College.
To start a meeting, follow the steps below.
1. If you do not have Cisco webex installed, or haven’t logged in, please follow this guide:
2. Open Cisco Webex Meetings via the start menu

3. Click on Start a Meeting.

4. You will be taken to your personal room, here you can check your camera is showing what you want, and your microphone is turned on, click on Start Meeting when you are ready

5. Others will now be able to join into your meeting in various ways.
You can click on Participant then Copy Meeting Link then paste it into an email or post to Compass or google

6. From the main window, you can copy your meeting link and paste that into an email or post to compass or google

7. Once you are in your meeting, you have the following buttons along the bottom

These are from left to right:
Disable your Microphone, if red, nobody can hear you
Use this if you need to at any time stop people from listening to you, say you have a cough
Disable your Camera, if red, nobody can see you
Use this if you do not want people to see you
Sharing options
(See section on Sharing Options)
Record Meeting
This will allow you to record your meeting, select record on my computer then click on record, it will ask you where you wish to save the recording, and what to name it, enter a meaningful name and click on record

Display Participant list
Will show participants on the right-hand side
Display Chat window
Will show a chat window on the right-hand side where you can type messages to everyone or individual users
More options
- Notes – take notes
- Polling – ask a question to participants
- Lock Meeting – stop anyone entering
- Invite and remind – send an email to email addresses with the link to your meeting
- Copy link meeting – copy your link meeting to the clipboard
- Audio Connection – if you are going to enter via phone
- Speaker, Microphone and Camera – if you need to change to your headphones, or an external microphone or camera
- Connect to a device – connect to a Cisco Webex Video device
End meeting
Ends the meeting
Sharing Options

With Sharing Options, you can choose to share a file to everyone in your meeting, such as a PowerPoint slideshow or word document
You can also click on an application that is already open so everyone can see what is displayed.
With new whiteboard, you can start a whiteboard where you and your participants can draw on a whiteboard, and then later save
Meeting Options
Under the participant menu, you have the following options

Mute Me
Mute your microphone
Unmute Me
Unmute your microphone
Mute All
Mute everyone in the meeting
Unmute All
Unmute everyone in the meeting
Mute on Entry
Mute participants as they enter your meeting (I would suggest this)
Entry and Exit Tone
this has been disabled
Invite and Remind…
Enter emails to send an email with a link to your meeting
Copy Meeting Link
Copy your meeting link to the clipboard, you can paste that in an email, DL, compass, google apps
Anyone can Share
Allows any user to share what is on their screen, or documents
Assign Privileges
(look at assign privileges below)
Reclaim Host Role
Make you the host if you have made someone else the host
Kick a user from the meeting
Assign Privileges

you can disable users from being able to chat (send text messages) to everyone or other users

You can disable meeting participants to save work, or control shared applications (which I would untick so they can’t control your application that you are sharing)
Meeting Menu

Under the Meeting options, you have the following settings and options to set
Welcome Message
Will open a web page where you can type a short message to display to meeting attendees when they join your meeting
Type your message, tick Display this message and click on OK
Under options > General
Allow all participants to turn on video
Disable people from enabling their webcam
Disable the chat function
Disable the note function, or make a single person able to take notes for everyone
File transfer
Transfer a file to everyone
Enable ucf rich media for attendee
Enables the following things to be shared
- WebEx WRF recordings (for more information about WRF files, see Recording and Playback.
- · Video
- · Audio
- · Flash files
- · Web pages
- · Third-party rich media content (through partner integration)
Enable closed captioning
This will allow a participant to transcribe the closed captions

Individual users
In the participant window, you can right click on individual users to change the following options.
If someone is being disruptive, you can expel them, and they will be removed, also you can mute them