To set up MESC mail in the Windows 10 Mail application, please follow the following steps
Click or tapon start, then scroll down to Mail, or click or tap on Mail if it appears on the right
Click or tap on the Gear settings icon on the lower left of the Mail application then Manage Accounts on the Upper right of the Mail application
Click or tap on Add Account at the bottom
Click or tap on Office 365
Enter your MESC email account, it will be your student code, then click or tap on Next
Click or Tap on Work or school account near the bottom and then click or tap on Continue

Enter your MESC Password, the email address should carry over from the previous steps, then click or tap on Sign in
After a minute or so, you will be presented with the All Finished screen, click on Done on the lower right

Your emails will now start to download on your device, you will also recieve notifications when you recieve an email